Multivitamin Drops (1 box and 1 bottle)
Multivitamin Drops (bottle of 30ml)
Multivitamin Drops (box of bottle)
Multivitamin Drops (1 box and 1 bottle)
Multivitamin Drops (bottle of 30ml)
Multivitamin Drops (box of bottle)
*Packaging color may differ according to distribution region.

Multivitamin Drops

AdvaLife™ Adva-MAX KIDS
Multivitamin Drops are a liquid multivitamin for kids, manufactured by AdvaCare Pharma in ISO/HACCP-certified facilities.



What is Multivitamin?

Health Category:

Multivitamin Drops combine the vitamins and minerals that are necessary to fill in nutrient gaps which are necessary for individuals who have certain nutrient deficiencies or do not consume a balanced diet. This combination helps boost energy, support overall health and prevent illnesses.

AdvaCare Pharma is a global manufacturer of Multivitamin Drops. Our products are made in ISO/HACCP-compliant facilities located in the USA, India and China, designed to meet all health, safety, environmental standards. Our meticulous supply chain process guarantees the highest quality supplements for both domestic and international use.

Why are we a quality Multivitamin Drops manufacturer?

AdvaCare Pharma USA is a leading manufacturer of Multivitamin Drops. Our premium liquid formulations and high efficacy give our supplement distributors a competitive edge in their respective markets, leading them on a path to becoming market leaders.

As a trusted Multivitamin Drops manufacturer of this and 150+ other supplements available in 9 dosage forms, our AdvaLife™ brand is trusted by healthcare professionals around the world. Our testament to manufacturing quality is backed by ISO 22000 & 9001 and HACCP certifications.


AdvaLife™ Multivitamin Drops Pediatric Formula

Each 1ml contains*: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Zinc * Request product catalog for full composition.

Targeted Health Support

immune support
growth & development
energy boost
strong bones
whole body nourishment
antioxidant support


Multivitamin Drops benefit the immune system

For children under 5, multivitamin drops provide essential vitamins and minerals that support the developing immune system. Vitamins A, C, and D, in particular, contribute to immune health and enhance the body's ability to fight off infections and diseases. Adequate intake of these nutrients through supplementation can help reduce the frequency and severity of common childhood illnesses.

Multivitamin Drops benefit growth and development

Essential nutrients, including vitamins D and B12, iron, and calcium, are crucial for the growth and development of children under 5. These contribute to bone health, brain development, and overall physical growth.

Multivitamin Drops benefit cognitive function

Vitamins and minerals such as iron, iodine, and B vitamins in multivitamin drops are vital for brain development and cognitive function in young children. These support nerve cell development, neurotransmitter function, and cognitive processes such as learning and memory, helping to lay the foundation for lifelong learning and cognitive health.

Multivitamin Drops benefit bone health

Vitamin D and calcium found in multivitamin drops are essential for developing strong and healthy bones in children under 5. Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption in the gut, while calcium contributes to the mineral density of bones.

Multivitamin Drops prevent nutritional deficiencies

Young children are at risk of nutritional deficiencies due to picky eating habits and the limited variety of foods they may consume. Multivitamin Drops provide a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals to fill nutritional gaps.

Multivitamin Drops benefit eye health

Vitamin A in Multivitamin Drops is essential for maintaining healthy vision and preventing conditions such as night blindness and dry eyes. Adequate vitamin A intake supports the function of the retina and the maintenance of healthy tissues around the eyes, contributing to overall eye health.

Multivitamin Drops benefit digestive health

B vitamins in Multivitamin Drops help in maintaining healthy digestive systems by supporting the metabolism of food into energy. These help ensure efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients, promoting gut health and preventing digestive issues common in young children.

Multivitamin Drops benefit skin health

The nutrients found in Multivitamin Drops, including Vitamin A and Zinc, contribute to healthy skin development in children under 5 years old. Vitamin A promotes skin repair and maintenance, while Zinc has been shown to help with wound healing and may reduce the incidence of common skin conditions like diaper rash.

Multivitamin Drops benefit red blood cell production

Iron and vitamin B12 included in Multivitamin Drops are crucial for the production of healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Adequate levels of these nutrients help prevent anemia, which is common in young children. Regular supplementation can help support healthy energy levels and overall well-being in children under 5 years.


Vitamin A helps support healthy vision and immune function. It is also crucial for heart, lung, and kidney function, helping to maintain these organs' health and resilience against infections. Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of epithelial tissues, including the skin and the lining of the gut, which serves as a barrier to bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin C enhances the immune system, promotes collagen formation for healthy skin, and may also act as an antioxidant. Beyond these benefits, Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods, improving energy levels and reducing fatigue. It even aids in neutralizing free radicals and protecting the body's cells from damage.

Vitamin D3 supports healthy bone growth and development, immune function, and calcium absorption in the body. It also influences mood and brain health, potentially reducing the risk of mood disorders in children and adolescents. D3 may also help prevent muscle weakness and maintain muscle health in addition to its benefits for bone health and the immune system.

B Vitamins promote healthy energy production, nerve function, and red blood cell formation. These vitamins also support cognitive health and brain function, contributing to improved memory and focus in children.

Zinc enhances healthy immune function, wound healing, and healthy cell growth. Zinc also has an impact on taste and smell sensitivity, which can affect children's appetite and nutritional intake positively. It is important for DNA synthesis and cell division, making it crucial for growth and development, as well as for the repair of bodily tissues.


What are Multivitamin Drops used for?

  • strengthen the immune system
  • boost mood and energy levels
  • support cognitive function and brain health
  • improve overall health and well-being
  • support growth and development

How are Multivitamin Drops used?

These immune support drops are to be taken orally. Multivitamin Drops may be given by dispensing them directly into the mouth, or mixed with water or juice. Shake well before use.

What dose of Multivitamin should be taken?

The recommended dosage is of multivitamin is 1ml per day for infants and children aged from 3 months to 5 years old, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Do not exceed recommended daily doses. A laxative effect may occur in case of overdose. Caregivers must adhere to this dosage as it is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of children without the risk of hypervitaminosis.

Are Multivitamin Drops available in other forms?

Yes. Multivitamins for kids are also available in other forms, such as as gummies, syrups, and powders.

When is the best time to take Multivitamin Drops?

The best time to take Multivitamin Drops is in the morning with a meal. This helps in the absorption of the vitamins and minerals and can also reduce the risk of stomach upset. It is essential to establish a routine to ensure that the supplement is taken consistently.

Can Multivitamin Drops cause any side effects?

While most children tolerate Multivitamin Drops well, some may experience mild side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhea or constipation. These symptoms are usually temporary. If severe or persistent side effects occur, consult a doctor.

How long should my child take Multivitamin Drops?

Multivitamin supplementation can be part of a child's daily routine for as long as they are not able to get sufficient vitamins and minerals from their diet alone. Consult with a pediatrician for personalized advice based on your child's nutritional needs and health status.

Are Multivitamin Drops safe for children with allergies?

Most Multivitamin Drops are formulated to be safe for children with common allergies. Check the label for potential allergens and discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider before starting supplementation.

Can Multivitamin Drops replace a healthy diet?

Multivitamin Drops are intended to supplement a child's diet, not replace a healthy diet. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins is still the best for a child's growth and development. Relying solely on this supplement can lead to imbalances and may not provide all the nutritional benefits of whole foods, such as dietary fiber and phytochemicals.

Do Multivitamin Drops help with growth?

Multivitamin Drops can support overall growth in children by providing essential nutrients that may be missing from their diet, contributing to healthy bone development and bodily functions.

Can Multivitamin Drops improve my child's concentration and academic performance?

Multivitamins containing B vitamins, iron, and zinc can support cognitive function and may contribute to improved concentration and academic performance in children. But the primary goal of supplementation should still be to ensure overall nutritional well-being.

How should Multivitamin Drops be stored?

Store the multivitamin drops in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Ensure that the bottle is tightly closed to maintain the integrity of the product.


As with all dietary supplements, taking Multivitamin Drops may lead to some side effects.

Do NOT use Multivitamin Drops if you:

  • are hypersensitive to any of this product's components.
  • are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • have a medical condition, such as liver or kidney disease.

Before consuming these health supplements, speak with a doctor or pharmacist about the possible interactions of this product with other supplements or pharmaceuticals. Watch for signs of vitamin overdose, especially with fat-soluble vitamins, as excess intake can lead to serious health issues. Adhering to recommended dosages and maintaining a balanced diet are still the most essential.


Do your supplement products contain non-GMO ingredients?

Yes, AdvaLife™ supplements are non-GMO or can be formulated to meet non-GMO specifications. Our dedication to flexibility enables us to adjust formulations according to the preferences of distributors, consumers, and regulatory guidelines across different markets.

Is there support available for ensuring product labels meet regulatory requirements?

Our Regulatory Affairs Department collaborates with our design team to ensure that our standardized packaging aligns with USFDA and international regulatory standards. For countries with unique labeling requirements, we customize our product labeling to comply with specific regulations, ensuring seamless market entry.

Is assistance provided for the regulatory approval of your supplement products?

Yes, we provide comprehensive support for product registration and regulatory approvals to ensure compliance with local regulations and facilitate market entry for our supplement products.

What are the different types of nutritional supplements manufactured by your company?

At AdvaLife™ Nutraceuticals, we take pride in our comprehensive range of dietary supplements, boasting more than 150 formulations made exclusively from premium-quality ingredients. Our product selection spans 9 distinct forms of dosage – such as capsules, tablets, gummies, syrups, powders, and drops – ensuring we offer a solution for every consumer's preference and requirement, across various market segments.

What is the minimum order quantity (MOQ) for buying supplements in bulk?

The MOQ (minimum order quantity) for wholesale purchases of AdvaLife™ supplements is determined by factors such as product type, formulation, and dosage form. Typically, MOQs range from 5,000 to 10,000 units, but our production capabilities allow for customization to suit specific requirements. We prioritize flexibility to ensure that our clients can access the quantities they need for their business endeavors.

Are your manufacturing facilities certified for quality and safety?

When it comes to manufacturing supplements, AdvaLife™ sets the bar high for quality and safety. Our facilities are certified to meet the strictest industry standards, including ISO, HACCP, BRC, NSF, and Halal certifications. This commitment to excellence ensures that every product we produce meets the highest levels of quality and safety for our customers.

Do you manufacture supplements suitable for vegans or vegetarians?

A considerable number of our AdvaLife™ supplement offerings are suitable for vegans and vegetarians alike, and we also offer HALAL-certified options to cater to diverse dietary preferences and requirements.


What is the evidence of Multivitamin Drops being beneficial to children?

A number of studies support the use of multivitamin supplements in children, although healthcare professionals reiterate that multivitamins do not and should not replace a balanced diet and consumption of nutritious food. Multivitamin Drops can be especially helpful in children with compromised health statuses.

Use of Dietary Supplements by Children and Adolescents

A study published in 2023 demonstrates that multivitamins are beneficial for ensuring that children receive essential nutrients. However, it also indicated that multivitamins and poly minerals are not recommended for addressing feeding difficulties. Instead, supplementation with specific vitamins or minerals is advised for those who have identified deficiencies or are experiencing reduced intake of these nutrients. The study further suggests that a targeted approach to supplementation allows for more precise management of nutritional deficiencies.

Vitamins for Kids: Do Children Really Need Supplements?

An article published by the Cleveland Clinic says that multivitamins help provide peace of mind knowing that children are getting the nutrients they need at a critical age. It mentions vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron as key, but that parents should also consult a healthcare provider prior to starting because most multivitamins are available over the counter. It points out the risk of over-supplementation, highlighting the need for professional guidance to avoid exceeding recommended nutrient intakes.

*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.

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As an industry leader, we are aware of our responsibility to provide affordable and sustainable solutions to improve healthcare worldwide.

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